- Manufactures 200 million matches every day
- We have over 175 brands worldwide
- World-leading manufacturer of matches

Our production
Read more about our productionSwedish matches have always been recognized for their quality, a tradition that Swedish Match continues to uphold and develop. We have been developing and refining the match that we make today for 150 years. It all begins with Swedish aspen.
The fire academy
The history of matches
Throughout history, fires have been essential for survival. Various types of firestarters have existed since the roman period but it wasn’t until the 1800s, when the phosphorus match was first invented, that the modern match began to evolve.
Read moreFire and safety
In Sweden, the right of public access allows everyone to roam freely in forests and the countryside. It also allows us to light an open fire in the countryside if conditions are safe. But what are ‘safe conditions,’ and what are the best safety tips when lighting fires in the countryside?
Read moreForests and the climate
The Swedish forest is fantastic and has a number of benefits for the environment and the climate. However, many people believe that the forest is running out. That's not true. Here you can read about how the Swedish forests are constantly expanding and in what way the forest do good, both as it grows and when it is used.
Read moreThe retro archive
Swedish Match Industries has been producing matches for 150 years. Here you will find some of our most iconic labels that have marked our boxes over the years.
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