Solstickan was created in 1936 and Swedish artist Einar Nerman was asked to design the label for the box. The label may well be one of Sweden’s most famous works of art. The matchbox is instantly recognized by most people in Sweden and it has become an icon. Solstickan is now a national symbol. The Solstickan brand accounts for 98% of all matches sold in Sweden, and for every matchbox or other Solstickan product sold, some of the proceeds are donated to the Solstickan Fund. About SEK 1.5 million is donated every year.
The foundation was established in 1936 by Mathias Hallgren, and all of the money collected would be donated to a charity. The funds were initially used to finance summer camps for city children, and later to support children and the elderly. The Solstickan matchboxes featured the well-known text ‘Till förmån för barn och äldre’ (In support of children and the elderly).